Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Gaza – Yemen – Ukraine! Ceasefire Now!

by New Worker correspondent

Activists from the International Ukraine Anti Fascist Solidarity campaign (IUAFS) joined the national Palestine march in Central London on Saturday with placards making the connections between the wars waged by NATO imperialism in Gaza, Ukraine and Yemen. They received a warm welcome from the protesters and dozens of people took photos and videos.
Theo Russell, the IUAFS organiser, said that "only four states in Africa, Asia and Latin America, if we don't include small island territories, support the NATO-led sanctions against Russia or send weapons to the Zelensky regime in Ukraine. It is Britain and its allies from the minority of rich, powerful countries who have dominated the world since 1945, who are out of step with the global majority.
"Far from being an 'isolated pariah', as British mainstream politicians and the BBC love to claim, the Russian Federation enjoys wide support in the 'Global South', and it is the BRICS alliance which is leading a historic transformation towards a multipolar world. That alliance, including the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, is rapidly expanding and pushing for a world based on development and growth rather than never-ending wars, and is firmly behind the cause of justice for the people of Palestine.
"One of the speakers from the protest platform near the Israeli Embassy made the same connections today, saying 'We have a new Labour government in Britain, but they are telling us there's no money to solve the massive problems our country faces. There's no more money for housing, there's no more money for hospitals, there's no more money for schools and no more money for prisons. But there's always enough money for Israel, and there's always enough money for Ukraine'.
"Since February 2022, according to official figures, the UK has promised £12.5 billion in military and economic support for Ukraine. That is roughly equivalent to 1.8 million desperately needed hospital beds.
"We are saying Enough is Enough! No more British weapons for Ukraine! No more economic, military and diplomatic support for Israel! Stop bombing the people of Yemen!"

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Stop Banking on Genocide!

by New Worker correspondent

Activists from Palestine Solidarity Campaign branches in Camden and Islington marched from Camden Town to the Sadler's Wells Theatre in Islington, North London, to call on the theatre to stop taking sponsorship from Barclays Bank while a very small counter-demonstration of around ten Zionists was largely ignored by the public. Last weekend’s protest was part of the ongoing Boycott Barclays campaign which has targeted the bank for its major lending, investment and business interests which help to support the Israeli economy and its powerful military machine. The campaign slogans are "Stop Banking on Genocide – Stop Banking on Apartheid". Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign stated "We do not have anything against the theatre, other than their sponsorship from Barclays". The date of the protest was changed at the request of the theatre as many disabled visitors were expected on the original date.