Thursday, March 20, 2008

NEW COMMUNIST Party comrades and friends gathered at Party centre on Saturday 8th March for a social to commemorate the life and works of Karl Marx.
As usual at these events there was plenty of good food and drink and on this occasion Cuban music.
Guests included Comrade Jong In Song from the Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, who gave an inspiring account of the way in which young Koreans are taught and encouraged to become fighters and campaigners for socialist advance and progress.
And he offered to address any schools or seminars on Marxism and on the Juché philosophy that the NCP might have planned. Comrades told him he would be certain to be taken up on that offer sometime later this year.
NCP general secretary Andy Brooks also spoke on the difficulties and privations that Marx faced while he was doing most of his writings in London and the impact of those works on today’s world.
A collection raised £1,300 for the New Worker.
photo: Comrade Jong In Song and Alex Kempshall

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you comrades know that you've been added to my blog roll.
