Sunday, May 24, 2009

End the seige of Gaza!

By Robert Laurie

THOUSANDS of protesters took to the streets of London last Saturday in a march and rally organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to call for Israel to end its siege of Gaza and to remember the Nakba (massacre) of 1948, when Palestinians were thrown off their land to make way for the new state of Israel.
The march was backed by CND, Stop the War, the British Muslim Initiative and dozens more progressive organisations.
It was a colourful march with plenty of music and dancing along the way as it progressed from Malet Street, by the University of London, through Holborn and Archway to Trafalgar Square.
Speakers at the Trafalgar Square rally included MPs Jeremy Corbyn, Martin Linton and George Galloway; Daud Abdullah, the deputy general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, Jean Lambert MEP, Jenny Tonge MEP, Manuel Hassassian – Palestinian General Delegate to the UK, Alexei Sayle and speakers from PSC, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initiative, CND, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Viva Palestina, Jews for Justice for Palestine, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights and others.

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