Saturday, June 05, 2010

Ken to run for Mayor again

KEN LIVINGSTONE last week announced his bid to be chosen as Labour candidate in the 2012 London mayoral election.
He said that if re-elected he would:
• fight Tory public sector cuts;
• raise the congestion charge for the most polluting cars;
• hold down bus and Tube fares (which have risen by up to a third under Boris Johnson);
• scrap “zany” ideas like a floating airport in the Thames estuary and the new “Routemaster” bus;
• take no pay rise for the four-year term and institute a four-year pay freeze for senior staff;
• restore relations with China and India, which have been neglected;
• reverse cuts to police numbers and guarantee a total of 640 local neighbourhood policing teams;
• press the Government for powers to raise money on the bond markets to build affordable homes, including for rent;
• cut energy bills by improving insulation in every building in London over 10 years.

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