Monday, May 23, 2011

Fight to save children's services in Lambeth

by New Worker correspondent

HUNDREDS of people assembled outside Lambeth Town Hall last Wednesday evening to protest at planned cuts to children’s services in the borough.
The event was organised by Lambeth Save Our Services. In particular they are fighting to save adventure playgrounds, the Max Roach Centre and One-O'Clock-Clubs.
The organisers said: “We are now facing the myriad of cuts as they come through thick and fast, devastating everything we have fought for and built over the years.”
Protesters said: ““It’s so cynical how the council is running things down, they know young people can’t fight back and can’t vote. The council is saying they are protecting front-line services but they are not at all protected. We are not open tonight; we might not be open tomorrow night.”
Another said: “The kids at Max Roach are a family, they stick by each other. This will break down this family, the spirit and unity of the community. As a single parent my son doesn’t have a male role model, but black role models are exactly what the centre provides, they make sure our sons have something to aspire to. If people don’t stand up and fight together nothing will change, and things will just get worse.”
And another: “These are services that are well needed, well respected, and free. Businesses are looking to make money providing these services now; this is all a cover up to make parents pay for a service that they are entitled to.”

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