Thursday, July 28, 2011

Party Day at the Centre

greetings from Poland

By New Worker

COMRADES and friends joined New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks and Party Chair Alex Kempshall in celebrating the NCP's founding day reception last Saturday at the Party Centre in London.
The New Communist Party of Britain was established in July 1977 and since then the Party has worked to build the communist movement and working class unity while upholding the tenets of Marxism-Leninism. But this work cannot be done alone. This was a point made by Andy Brooks and this was a theme echoed by friends old and new during the formal part of the proceedings.
Michael Chant from the RCPB (ML) spoke of the consistent and principled co-operation between our two parties that began in 1994 and continues with greater depth today.
Kumar Sarkar from the South Asia Forum raised the problems of the communist movement in India and Nepal and Andrei from Polish Labour Party youth movement talked about the current struggle in Poland. Congratulatory messages were also received from Dermot Hudson of the UK Korean Friendship Association and Anton Johnson of the London Left Front Art group.
No NCP social ends without an appeal for the New Worker but this time it was to launch a special fund for the essential repair and restoration of part of the back of the Party building. National Treasurer Dolly Shaer said all donations earmarked for this fund would help to pay for the building work, which began last month with the clearing of the yard, and £143 was raised on the night.

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