Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A tribute to Karl Marx

Alex Kempshall makes a point with Marx's Capital

By New Worker correspondent

KARL MARX died in London on 14th March 1883 and his memory has been recalled ever since by the working class movement throughout the world. And last Saturday his immense contribution to the socialist cause was recalled at a reception at the New Communist Party’s London centre to mark the 129th anniversary of the passing of the man, who together with Frederick Engels, founded scientific socialism.
This is a regular event in the NCP calendar and, as usual, the central meeting room and the print shop were transformed for the bar and buffet. During the formal part of the celebrations tributes to the work and struggle of Marx were given by NCP chair Alex Kempshall, Kumar Sarkar of Second Wave Publications and NCP General Secretary Andy Brooks while solidarity greetings from Dermot Hudson of the Korean Friendship Association were read out.
No NCP event ever ends without a collection and Alex rose to the task with an appeal not just for money but also for renewed study of the works of Marx which are as relevant now as on the day they were written. The comrades responded by raising some £250 for the New Worker special building appeal.

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