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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
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Thursday, December 19, 2013
Marking the passing of Kim Jong Il
FRIENDS of Democratic Korea returned to
the John Buckle Centre in south London last weekend to mark the 2nd
anniversary of the passing of dear leader Kim Jong Il and show their solidarity
following the purge of the hidden traitor Jang Song Thaek.
The event, at
the south London headquarters of the RCPB (ML), was chaired by New Communist Party
leader Andy Brooks and it opened with a powerful baritone rendition of the Song of General Kim Jong Il by one of
the DPRK London diplomats accompanied by the violinist Leslie Larkum. This was
followed by Changing Sorrow Into
Strength, a short film about Koreans’ grief at the loss of their leader.
But the highlight of the evening was the opening by the DPRK ambassador, Hyong
Hak Bong, on the life of Kim Jong Il and the crimes and punishment of Jang and
his counter-revolutionary faction.
All these points
were taken up during discussion by other members of the committee including
Michael Chant of the RCPB (ML)), Dermot Hudson of the UK Korean Friendship
Association and John McLeod from the Socialist Labour Party (SLP).
Michael, who is
the FoK secretary, then moved a solidarity message that was endorsed by acclaim
to end the formal part of the meeting, which closed with drinks and a buffet of
Korean food.
Co-ordinating Committee of Friends of Korea consists of the European Regional
Society for the Study of the Juché Idea, UK Korean Friendship Association, New
Communist Party of Britain, Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain
(Marxist-Leninist) and the Socialist Labour Party and it holds meetings in
London throughout the year.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Police war on students
by Daphne Liddle
STUDENTS are continuing to demonstrate against the closure of the social
centre for London’s 120,000 students following violent clashes with the
police last week.
Last Thursday riot police brutally moved in to eject students who had
occupied the centre’s admin office in protest against the closure of the
University of London Union (ULU) buildings.
These buildings in Malet Street, which include offices, meetings rooms
and a bar, have for generations been a popular venue for meetings of
left and progressive groups in London, not just students.
The protest also reflected anger at yet another big rise in student
union fees and at the University authorities getting a court injunction
to ban student protests anywhere on the campus until June next year.
The students returned in greater numbers the next day and with a new demand: “Cops off Campus!”
Again police attacked the protesters and drove them round and about the
surrounding streets so that they ended up kettled in Euston Square.
At 5.20pm police began arresting two groups of people who had been
kettled in by Euston Square tube station for an hour “to prevent a
further breach of the peace” and on suspicion of affray.
The students, including Oscar Webb, the editor of the student union
paper who was photographing the protest, were handcuffed and sent to
police stations across south London. Two people were also arrested on
suspicion of assaulting a police officer.
One man who was handcuffed and driven away in a police van had a crutch.
An eyewitness told London Student, the student union journal, that:
“The man was walking near the police when they pushed him, and as he
fell backwards the police kicked away his crutch before jumping on him”.
A second eyewitness made the same claim. After police stepped away from
where the man was handcuffed, blood could be seen on the pavement.
Michael Chessum, president of ULU, said the police “were brutal”. He
told London Student: “Today there was an unprecedented level of police
violence on campus. It was a transparent attempt to assault, intimidate
and deflate protest, and it will not work.” He added: “We will only come
back stronger.” Chessum also said: “The university has taken this
draconian measure because it has lost the arguments on the issues.”
The clashes with the London University students follow a series of
unusually violent clashes between police and students throughout the
country over the last few months.
Earlier that week, students at the University of Sussex mounted a
protest, including an occupation of some university buildings and five
students were suspended and excluded from the university.
Labour MP John McDonnell said students were being “persecuted”, but
police said they were preventing a breach of peace. He has tabled an
early day motion in the Commons, and said: “I am deeply anxious about
the whole range of protests that are taking place because they are all
peaceful; they are all students seeking to make their voices heard.
“But they’re being met with real intimidation and suspending students for an occupation is not acceptable.”
He added: “It’s outrageous that students exercising their traditional
democratic right to protest have been persecuted in this way.”
He said that judging by the television footage, there appeared to have
been “real violence” at last week’s London University occupation. This
was an “over-reaction”, he said.
He added: “Universities should recognise that students have a right to
protest as long as it is peaceful. We should be encouraging people to
speak out and exercise their democratic right and to be involved in
Michael Segalov, one of the students suspended indefinitely from Sussex
University over the protests, said: “This is an attempt to de-legitimise
protests on campus and dissent on universities.
“It is scaremongering so that students are afraid to have their voices heard.”
Another London student, Rebecca Greenford, put it like this: “Teaching
staff, clerical staff, cleaners and students all know these changes will
damage our education. This week we organised peaceful rallies to make
our point in public, but university authorities, Government and police
have effectively criminalised dissent.”
Mandela remembered in London
By New Worker correspondent
world leaders flew to South Africa to salute the passing of Nelson Mandela
Londoners gathered to pay their own last respects to the man who led the
struggle against apartheid to become the first president of free South Africa.
Some lit candles, sang or laid garlands to celebrate the life of Nelson Mandela, who
died on Thursday 5th December at the age of 95. Others brought flowers to lay
at the Mandela statue in Parliament Square or by the gates of the nearby South
African embassy.
At the embassy Mandela’s goddaughter,
Tanya von Ahlefeldt, whose father Jimmy Kantor was his lawyer before also being
charged at the Rivonia trial in the 1960s, told the media that: “I think what
we have to focus on is the legacy that he’s left, which was dignity and choice
for all South Africans.”
Former Labour Mayor of London Ken Livingstone
said: “ "It's amazing how one person made so much change. How many people
could say they made a nation change the way they think?"
Livingstone’s Tory successor, Boris
Johnson, told the media his party had got it
"completely wrong" on Mandela in the
1980s, when Margaret Thatcher called the ANC a terrorist group. He said: "There's no-one really to touch Mandela
because plenty of people can claim that they have in some way united their
country and brought people together but Mandela's the only one I can think of
that basically united the whole world,".
Friday, December 06, 2013
March against the drones
activists marched through the centre of London to the United States embassy
last week to protest at the use by the imperialist powers of unmanned drones to
bring death, injury and terror to people living in Pakistan, Somalia and other
demonstration was organised by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party and Stop the
War as part of a worldwide series of protests against drones, the biggest
protest being in Pakistan.
and supporters of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (the Pakistani political party
headed by Imran Khan) marched from 10 Downing Street to the US Embassy in
London demand an end to the use of drones – which are supposed to be targeted
at “terrorists” but inevitably kill more civilians, including many children.
use is a violation of human rights and has sabotaged peace negotiations between
the Pakistani government and representatives of the Taliban.
US provides no evidence, no trial and no defence for those it accuses of
terrorism – just an instant death sentence for them and anyone else who happens
to be near them. In many cases groups of children and or field workers have
been assessed to be terrorists by those remote controllers in charge of the
drones and blown to pieces.
this month the German government has suspended the purchase of armed drones on
the grounds that it “categorically rejects illegal killings.”
follows a report by Amnesty International that accused Merkel’s government of
aiding the US with drone strikes in Pakistan and a campaign in Germany against
the use of drones.
drone attacks have resulted in deaths of innocent civilians and extra judicial
killings of suspected militants in Pakistan near the border with Afghanistan.
These attacks violate human rights, are classed as a “war crime” by the United
Nations and violate Pakistan’s sovereignty.
International stated in its recent report, Will I be next?’ US drone strikes
in Pakistan that Pakistan government sources confirm the US has launched 330
to 374 drone strikes in Pakistan between 2004 and September 2013.
to these sources, between 400 and 900 civilians have been killed in these
attacks and at least 600 people have been seriously injured with life changing
PTI has been very vocal regarding its opposition of drone attacks in Pakistan
since they first started in 2004. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) believes that
drones are not only in violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty, they are also a
major hurdle for the way to peace and stability within Pakistan.
Monday, December 02, 2013
The LRC in debate
Conway Hall was once again the venue of the tenth annual conference of the
Labour Representation Committee where left-wing Labour Party members – and a
few others including delegates from the New Communist Party which affiliated to
the LRC in February 2005.
And NCP comrades ran a joint New
Worker/Searchlight stall throughout the day of debate on the most pressing
issues facing the Labour and trade union movement.
were a little down this year but there were a number of other events on the
same day – a march against drones and a march to demand the release of Shaker
Aamer to name just two – which left activists thinly spread between events.
The conference was opened by John
McDonnell MP presenting the National Committee statement, covering the long
list of topics mentioned in the statement.
was followed by journalist Owen Jones and Mark Serwotka, general secretary of
the civil service union PCS.
There were many resolutions concerning
the Fire Service cuts and firefighters’ pensions, the privatisation of the
Royal Mail, energy prices, fracking, benefit cuts, defending the link between
the unions and the Labour Party and many more.
Few were controversial but an emergency
motion on Grangemouth and the privatisation of the Royal Mail from Brent and
Harrow LRC led to a heated debate.
The motion was moved with passion by
Graham Durham, who began by pointing out that he had been to many recent
meetings of the LRC, the People’s Assembly and other forums of the left and
heard exactly the same speeches from McDonnell, Jones and others but the fine
words had failed to prevent the disaster of the defeat of Unite, Britain’s largest
union, at Grangemouth or the privatisation of the Royal Mail.
This was the wrong message to deliver to
a room of very hard-working activists, many looking well weary but still
fighting. And it was unjustified. Grangemouth and the privatisation of the Royal
Mail were indeed defeats for the working class but those present were not
Since the defeat of the miners’ strike,
the passing of anti-union laws and the fall of the Soviet Union we have
suffered 30 years of working class retreat and demoralisation but it is not the
fault of those activists who have done all in their power to hold the line and
are at last now beginning to have a few successes.
These include the vote in the House of
Commons in September against going to war with Syria and court battles that
have stopped, for the time being, cuts to Lewisham Hospital, the rescue of the
Independent Living Allowance and the ruling that compulsory workfare was
illegal. All proving that campaigning and activism are worthwhile and can
But the masses of the working class are
not yet properly woken up and mobilised and there may be more defeats like
Grangemouth. But as the oppression of the working class is ratcheted up by our
greedy and callous ruling class the anger and the level of mobilisation have to
grow and defeats can be reversed. It’s all a matter of numbers out on the
streets – and even more important, out on strike.
There were other problems with the
motion – it wanted to affiliate the LRC to the Grass Roots Left faction in
Unite – and apart from the opening statement most of the motion was rejected by
The afternoon session included a debate
on Syria. The LRC has taken a principled position of opposing all imperialist
aggression in the Middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Iran) and Libya.
But there was some controversy over the
attitude to the leaderships of these countries under attack, some feeling that
in addition to the imperialist propaganda they had to add their own barbs.
How is it that left-wingers can see
through the vile demonization by the ruling class media against figures like Len
McCluskey and Bob Crow but believe every allegation made against Assad and
There is still clearly a strong
influence from Trotskyism that anyone elected to the leadership of a country, a
union or a movement automatically turns into a monster on taking office and
must be brought down – an attitude that is bound to doom any working class
This was reflected in what the movers
conceded was a badly worded motion, which the NCP and its supporters could not support, and it was easily
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Resisting the enemies of democracy
and anti-racist activists and academics gathered last Saturday at the
Bishopsgate Institute in London’s East End to debate the rising threat of
extreme right-wing ideas throughout Europe and the western world and how to
confront it.
conference was called by the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, which it
marking its 50th year. Searchlight editor Gerry Gable told the New Worker
that “many people when looking at the far right do not see beyond the British
National Party and the English Defence League”.
organisations have suffered serious setbacks in recent years – largely because
of the hard work of anti-fascists and anti-racists going round and knocking on
doors wherever the BNP has been standing in elections to counter the lies put
out by the BNP – and by turning out in huge numbers wherever the EDL declares
it intends to march, not to fight but simply to block them.
the BNP and the EDL are declining but that does not mean that the threat has
gone away.
recent conferences in London were organised by people who are re-inventing
fascism for the modern era. One was facilitated by the Traditional Britain
Group – which has links with the right-wing of the Tory Party and provides a
bridge with the new fascists in same way and the Monday Club used to. The other
was fully organised by the TBG.
first, on 12th October, is entitled “The end of the present world: the
post-American century and beyond”, and will feature the infamous Russian
fascist Alexander Dugin and Alain de Benoist, the French New Right philosopher
and writer who for the past 40 years has tried to influence the extreme-right
agenda and organisations internationally.
week later the TBG’s day-long conference entitled “The future of the nation
state”, brought together a range of extremist participants.
Among the most concerning is the rise of
Generation Identity – an extreme right wing “intellectual” group that is
growing across Europe, including Britain, and is re-inventing eugenics.
leading voice in Generation Identity is Markus Willinger, who has written Generation Identity: A Declaration of War Against the ’68ers, is trying to
undo all the reforms, all the advances against racism, sexism, homophobia and
general intolerance that have been made since the 1960s, which he refers to as
“cultural Marxism”.
we could be seeing the influence of these ideas in the Con-Dem coalition’s
demonization of the long-term sick and disabled as “scroungers” – and some of
the outrageously racist and sexist utterances of various Tory councillors and
UK Independence Party “loose cannons”.
Saturday’s conference began with a debate on the role of the trade unions in
resisting fascism and racism that was chaired by Megan Dobney, regional
secretary of the South East Region TUC.
at this session included Kay Carberry, who is assistant general secretary of
the TUC, Mohammed Taj, a Bradford bus driver and a member of Unite who is the
TUC’s first Asian President, Jo Rust from King’s Lynn trades council and Cathy
Pound who is [Searchlight’s] trade union liaison officer.
second session dealt with the “No Platform” policy chaired by Aaron Kiely, the
National Union of Students Black Students’ officer and included speakers Dr
Matthew Feldman who c-directs the Centre for Fascist, Anti-Fascist and Post
Fascist Studies at Teesside University, Kyaz Mughal, founder and co-director of
Faith Matters, veteran [Searchlight] activist Paul Crofts and journalist Tim
three was entitled: “Education in the front-line of the defence of young
people” chaired by Dr Paul Jackson of the University of Northampton. Speakers
included teacher David Rosenberg, Paul Mackney, former general secretary of the
lecturers’ union Natfhe until it merged with AUT to become UCU, Kevin Courtney,
the deputy general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, and Dagenham
teacher Dominic Byrne who a long history of campaigning against racism.
fourth and final session, on building a stronger, non-sectarian front of mutual
support, was chaired by Gerry Gable. Speakers included Bob Archer, president of
Redbridge NUT, Ulrike Schmidt, a musician, instrument-maker, teacher and
Activist for Amnesty specialising in campaigning against the persecution
suffered by the Roma community in Europe, Daphne Liddle from the New Communist
Party, Steve Hart of the trade union think-tank Class and chair of Unite
Against fascism, Jo Caldwell, a leader of the very successful We Are Waltham
Forest, which formed to keep the EDL out of the borough but now also campaigns
against cuts and Maria Nikolakaki, Associate Professor of Education at the
University of the Peloponnese in Greece and an active anti-fascist.
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