Monday, January 14, 2013

Comrades and friends

Michael Chant chatting to NCP comrade Theo Russell at the do

by New Worker correspondent


NCP comrades joined friends from the RCPB (ML) at the social held at the John Buckle Centre in south London last month to welcome the New Year in style.

In his welcoming toast RCPB (ML) leader Michael Chant said: “I want to raise a glass to all our friends who are here: friends from the New Communist Party; friends from the anti-fascist movement; friends from the movement for rights, and so on. It is very important to get together on such occasions, not only to be convivial and to develop fraternal unity and the unity of the people’s movement, but also to assess what the tasks are as we go into the New Year, the tasks that the communist and the workers’ movements and people’s movements are faced with. For us 2012 was a year of consolidation for RCPB (ML): we consolidated ourselves on various fronts (particularly on the journalism front); on the front of a technical base of our new paper and also on the front of mobilising the youth for modern communism, which we think is very important...

             "This is my toast on this occasion: we live in one world in which there's a struggle going on between two outlooks: the outlook of the capitalists and the outlook of the working class – which is the human-centred outlook. In this coming year, this fight to affirm the rights of the people we are sure will take centre stage. One of the most important rights in this respect is the right of the people to be involved in making all of the decisions which control their lives and as everyone involved in the struggle knows, this is one of the major things that is denied the people: to have any say in the decisions which affect their lives. This goes on in every level of society: from the workplace to public services and crucially people are denied the right to take decisions on what direction the country is taking, what direction the economy is taking and what direction society is taking. So it is to this new direction that I would like to raise a toast as we begin to think about our tasks for 2013. For a new direction for society!

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