Monday, March 25, 2013

Teachers tell Gove to Go

by New Worker correspondent

AROUND 600 teachers marched from Westminster’s Catholic Cathedral to the Department of Education last Wednesday evening in a protest called by the National Union of Teachers London region.
Many marchers wore Gove masks as they loudly demanded the removal of the Education Secretary.
They also protested to say no to pay cuts, pension attacks, the scrapping of the Education Maintenance Allowance, a very modest amount that used to be paid to fifth and sixth formers to enable them to stay in school and take A-levels.
Civil service workers from the Department of Education spoke at the rally at the end of the march and brought their solidarity. PCS members at the DfE had been on strike against job cuts in the department on 7th March.
The NUT and the PCS unions are both pushing for a general strike of public sector unions against cuts in wages, jobs, conditions, pensions and services.

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