Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Bahraini protesters ‘shouting in the dark’

by New Worker correspondent
A LARGE group of Bahraini fighters for democracy and human rights staged a protest rally in Whitehall opposite Downing Street last Saturday to draw attention to the plight of democrats in Bahrain and to protest at David Cameron’s continued friendly relations with the ruling King  Hamad Bin Isa al Kalifa.
Their rebellion began two years ago with the “Arab Spring” but failed to gain much attention in the western media.
            In February 2011 a mass rally in the capital called for the removal of King  Hamad Bin Isa al Kalifa. The king promised democratic and humanitarian reforms but these have not materialised.
One of the demonstrators in London on Saturday told the New Worker that the story of their struggle is told in a film on YouTube entitled Bahrain, shouting in the dark, made by Al Jazeera.
They say they are shouting in the dark because no one in the world is reporting their situation.
“This is the Arab revolution that was abandoned by the Arabs, forsaken by the West and forgotten by the world,” they say.
The demonstration coincided with the sit-down by the bedroom tax protest outside Downing Street. The Bahraini spokesperson with a megaphone began calling out: “Cameron does not care about the poor people in Britain or the poor people in Bahrain.”
Soon both crowds of protesters were shouting their anger with Cameron and the Con-Dem government in unison.

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