Sunday, June 02, 2013

Racist police hound whistle-blower

KEVIN Maxwell, a young gay black police officer was hounded out of the force “like an enemy of the state” for raising concerns, in private, about racist, homophobic behaviour in the force.
Last week an industrial tribunal found in his favour on at least 40 points.
In his first interview, former detective constable Kevin Maxwell told the Guardian he was sacked after raising concerns about racist and homophobic behaviour by some counter-terrorism officers.
They also picked on members of the public, subjecting them to searches based on their skin colour or nationality, which amounted to racial profiling, he said.
This week the Met lost an employment tribunal appeal against an earlier ruling, which found in Maxwell's favour on at least 40 points.
The tribunal found that Maxwell, who is black and gay, suffered multiple counts of degrading or humiliating treatment. One officer talked of gay men "taking it up the arse", and the tribunal found that one officer described a man in a photograph as being "as gay as a gay in a gay tea shop", which police colleagues greeted with laughter.
Maxwell, 35, said he had dreamed of being a police officer since the age of five, but has now been left financially ruined and suffering from severe depression, which he says was triggered by the Met ignoring his concerns and trying to punish him for raising them, even though he did so privately.

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