Monday, November 18, 2013

In Lenin’s name!

By New Worker correspondent
Andy Brooks charts the way forward

COMRADES and friends recalled the legacy of the Russian Revolution at a reception at the New Communist Party’s London centre on Saturday. Every year the Party holds celebration to mark the anniversary of the October Revolution and remember the outstanding achievements of the Bolsheviks that overthrew of the old order in 1917 to establish the first workers and peasants republic of the 20th century.
The print shop was, once again, transformed into a bar and buffet for the event and NCP chairperson Alex Kempshall kicked off the formal part of the evening with a tribute to the leadership of Lenin and Stalin in building the Soviet state.
This was followed by Dermot Hudson of the Korea Friendship Association, Michael Chant from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (ML) and Kumar Sarkar from Second Wave Publications who all spoke about the relevance of the October Revolution to today’s struggles. Finally NCP leader Andy Brooks paid tribute to the Soviets whose revolution brought the First World War to an end and whose immense efforts brought Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to their knees and ended the Second World War as well.
Class struggle is always harsh but it must go on and in Britain our first priority is to maintain our communist weekly. The comrades responded to Daphne Liddle’s rousing appeal for the New Worker fighting fund by raising £340 for the fighting fund.
And the social continued well into the night with the last stragglers leaving the bar to get the night bus well past midnight!

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