Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Communists stand by Ukraine

By New Worker correspondent
Andy Brooks and Michael Chant

NEW WORKER supporters heard the views of two leading communists on the Ukrainian crisis at a meeting in central London last week.
New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks and Michael Chant, the general secretary of the RCPB (ML) opened the discussion at Euston’s Cock Tavern, a regular haunt for New Worker forums over the past few years, that was chaired by Theo Russell from the NCP London District.
Michael spoke about the right of the peoples of Ukraine to self-determination and role of imperialism in the crisis and Andy talked about the solid support of the communist movements in Ukraine and Russia for the anti-fascist struggle against the imperialists and their local puppets. And both stressed the need to step up the solidarity work in Britain to halt the drive to another imperialist war in Europe.
This was, naturally, taken up by the comrades in the audience during the discussion which broadened to cover the general threat to world peace from US-led imperialism.
 The meeting, organised by the NCP’s London District, was the third of this year’s series of talks for New Worker readers and supporters to discuss contemporary issues.  

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