Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Korea: A Glorious Victory

By New Worker correspondent

IN 1950 US imperialism launched a criminal attack on Democratic Korea. The Americans, backed by their Nato allies and their craven south Korean puppets spread death and destruction across the Korean peninsula but they were forced to sign a humiliating armistice on 27th July 1953.
Every year the Korean people mark the anniversary of the defeat of US imperialism and its lackeys with solemn ceremonies, meetings and a great parade through Pyongyang. And last Saturday friends and comrades gathered in central London for their own commemoration of the Day of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War and the Day of Songun.  
           Korean solidarity activists, members of the New Communist Party and progressive academics attended the meeting called by the Juché Idea Study Group and the Korean Friendship Association to see a DPR Korea documentary on the Korean War and hear openings on the struggle led by great leader Kim Il Sung to defeat the US aggressors from DPRK diplomats in London and members of Juché Idea Study Group.
The formal part of the meeting ended with Dr Goodacre, an accomplished linguist, demonstrating his talents by singing the Song of General Kim Il Sung in Korean to the general applause of the audience.

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