Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Solidarity with anti-fascist resistance in Ukraine

By New Worker correspondent

ANTI-FASCISTS packed the main meeting room of the Marx Memorial Library in London last Tuesday evening for a meeting of Solidarity with Anti-fascist Resistance in Ukraine, supporting those who are resisting the illegal fascist government in Kiev.
Speakers included Anatolii Sokolyuk, the international secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine and Alexey Albu, a member of Borotba and an elected district councillor from Odessa now in exile who both spoke by means of a Skype connection.
Albu gave a detailed and harrowing account of his experiences in the Odessa fire massacre that left him seriously injured and a political exile.
Other speakers included Steve Skelly of the RMT union, Andrew Murray from the Communist Party of Britain, Jorge Martin from Socialist Appeal and rapper Marcel Cartier. The meeting was chaired by Richard Brenner.
After a lively and productive debate comrades raised concerns over a memorial service due to be conducted at the Cenotaph this Sunday 16th November on behalf of all Ukrainians who have died in all wars. This will include the members of the Galician SS division.
Comrades expressed a desire to protest but under the circumstances to make it a dignified, silent protest.

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