Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Protest as vultures gather over Ukraine

By New Worker correspondent

ANTI-FASCISTS braved the biting early morning wind along the Albert Embankment at Vauxhall last Tuesday to protest at the wholesale privatisation of Ukrainian state property and other austerity measures imposed by the IMF and the EU and implemented by the new  Poroshenko-Yatseniuk regime.

Members and supporters of Solidarity with Anti-fascist Resistance in Ukraine (SARU) assembled outside the Park Plaza between Lambeth and Vauxhall where the Kiev regime had invited the capitalist fat cats of the world to a London “Investment Summit” to carve up the assets of the Ukrainian people for privatisation and plunder.
Ukrainian acting Prime Minister Tatseniuk recently said:  “We will announce the most ambitious privatisation programme for 20 years,” and the Kiev regime has promised it would “consider a draft law on the list of objects that are not subject to privatisation”.
Entry fees for the two-day businessfest were $2,550 (£1,628). According to the organisers the “Ukrainian Investment Summit is a common convergence point for current and potential investors from across the world. The conference opens the doors to collaborate with key government officials, major international investors and the top Ukrainian corporate.
“The Ukrainian Investment Summit also enables attendees to get the most up-to-date business information on Europe’s largest emerging economy. The conference stands out as an important meeting point for investment sector professionals as it is held at the most suitable time to appraise market performances and assess whether the reform processes implemented are on the right track.
“The summit is thus not just a business meet but also a discussion forum for key regulations that have the potential of impacting the global economy.”
Later that day at the same venue Ukraine Today, the newly-launched the first 24/7 global English-language TV broadcaster from Ukraine, hosted a gala evening for the fat cats.
The previous evening, 8th December, saw a wine and cognac reception at the Thames Pavilion, Palace of Westminster (House of Commons) hosted by  Tory MP John Whittingdale, who chairs the British-Ukraine All-Party Parliamentary Group and supported by Adam Smith Conferences.

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