Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dedicated to the Korean people

Dermot Hudson and Yu Kwang Song

By New Worker correspondent

NEW COMMUNIST Party leader Andy Brooks joined Juché supporters and Korean solidarity activists in paying tribute to the life-time achievements of dear leader Kim Jong Il at a solidarity meeting in London last weekend.
The meeting, at the Marchmont Centre in central London, was organised by the Juché Idea Study Group as part of a round of events in February to mark the birthday of Kim Jong Il who led Democratic Korea through the turbulent times that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s.
Dermot Hudson opened the meeting, saying that Kim Jong Il was a true son of the people who was never apart from them and this was the theme that ran through all the contributions, which included a tribute from a member of the DPRK embassy in London.
Kim Jong Il said: “Reality is a fine school and the masses are teachers,” Dermot said pointing out that the whole raison d’etre of the Juché Idea is the people are the masters of everything and everything should be done for them.
            Andy Brooks spotlighted Kim Jong Il’s early work in the reborn Korean film industry and his efforts to raise the standards of proletarian culture in literature and the arts. Kim Jong Il also led the Workers Party of Korea’s efforts in developing the non-aligned movement and strengthening the international communist and workers’ movement.
Working side-by-side with great leader Kim Il Sung he then made significant contributions to the development of the Juché Idea. Kim Jong Il asserted that, in understanding the relationship between the Juché idea and Marxism-Leninism, the originality of the former should be viewed as fundamental in combination with its inheritance of the latter. 
            This was taken up by Shaun Pickford who spoke about the revolutionary activities of the new leader, Kim Jong Un, who is following the footsteps of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il to face the challenges of the 21st century.
Yu Kwang Song from the DPRK embassy said that Kim Jong Il is alive in the hearts and minds of the Korean people and the peoples of the world and the work started by the dear leader continues today. Comrade Yu denounced the slanders against the DPRK and the imperialists’ bogus “human rights” campaign against the DPRK and thanked the audience and all the friends of the Korean revolution in Britain for their efforts in setting the record straight.
The Korean comrade then took questions from the audience which developed into a wide ranging discussion which continued over refreshments until the session ended.

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