Monday, February 02, 2015

Frackhead MPs

 By New Worker
"Mr Frackhead"
THE HOUSE of Commons last Monday voted by 308 votes to 52 against a proposed moratorium on fracking in Britain.
This was in spite of the energetic efforts of hundreds of anti-fracking activists just across the road in Old Palace Yard who held a noisy and colourful protest against fracking.
Protesters came from Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the Green Party, unions RMT and PCS and many other groups and brought along a giant “Mr Frackhead” monster.
Meanwhile in the United States a new report has shown a “strong correlation” between earthquakes and fracking – which drills deep into subterranean layers of oil-bearing shale rock and forces a mixture of water and strong chemicals under pressure to cause fracturing of the rock and the release of oil and gas.
The technique is also associated with serious contamination of drinking water supplies.
Liberal Democrat MP Tessa Munt resigned as parliamentary aide to Trade and Industry Secretary Vince Cable in protest at the decision to push on with fracking in Britain.

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