Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Shining Star of Korea

 by New Worker correspondent
Michael Chant speaking

FRIENDS of the Korean revolution marked the 73rd anniversary of dear leader Kim Jong Il at the John Buckle Centre in London on Monday.
  Andy Brooks, the chair of the Friends of Korea committee that organised the meeting, welcomed everyone to the event to honour the memory of the Korean communist leader who died at his post in December 2011.
In his opening the New Communist Party leader said Kim Jong Il had made an immense contribution to the arts as well as the theory and practice of the world communist movement. This was followed by other tributes from Michael Chant of the RCPB (ML), Dermot Hudson of the Korean Friendship Association and  DPRK Ambassador Hyong Hak Bong
Kim Jong Il steered the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea through the difficult times that followed the death of great leader Kim Il Sung in 1994.  He devoted his entire life to serving the Korean people in the cause of building a human-centred society, a cause that is espoused by the democratic and anti-imperialist forces the world over.
Following Kim Il Sung’s footsteps, Kim Jong Il led the Workers Party of Korea into the 21st century to build a strong and prosperous democratic republic. Kim Jong Il was a leading Marxist thinker who made an important contribution to the modern communist theory as well as an astute statesman who led the Korean people through thick and thin to overcome natural disasters, the imperialist blockade and diplomatic isolation.
This was followed by a full-length DPRK film about the achievements of the Korean people under its new young leader, Kim Jong Un.
In Democratic Korea Kim Jong Il’s birthday has long been known as the Day of the Shining Star. This year it is being celebrated at a time when the Korean people are racing ahead at a new fast speed of socialist construction led by Kim Jong Un who is faithfully following the footsteps of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il at the helm of the Workers Party of Korea.
The Co-ordinating Committee of the Friends of Korea brings together all the major movements active in Korean friendship and solidarity work in Britain today. It is chaired by Andy Brooks and the secretary is Michael Chant. The committee organises meetings throughout the year, which are publicised by the supporting movements and on the Friends of Korea blog.

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