Friday, March 06, 2015

Expose US war-crimes!

 The UK Korean Friendship Association hosted a meeting via Skype at 1400 hours on 26th February. KFA members from different parts of the country took part in the seminar including KFA Official Delegate Dermot Hudson, Andy Brooks, the general secretary of the New Communist Party and other KFA members in London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
All the participants strongly denounced the hypocrisy of the  US imperialists for their "human rights " campaign saying that, in fact,  the Americans were the greatest human rights abusers since the Second World War.
It was pointed out that during the Korean war delegations from the British peace movement visited Korea and saw for themselves the evidence of germ warfare committed by the US imperialists in Korea. Books published at the time fully exposed this war-crime. The   KFA members pointed out that the germ warfare of the US was in violation of international conventions and protocols such as the Geneva convention.
During the seminar attention was also drawn to US war-crimes during the Vietnam war and also in during the invasion and occupation of Iraq. US imperialism was also responsible for the Bhopal disaster in India and for massive exploitation in the Third World.
While the CIA carried out torture against people held in secret prisons that were not on US soil the US government hypocritically talks about non-existent "labour camps" which were allegedly located inside the DPRK. Dermot Hudson said that on the nine visits to the DPRK he had never seen a labour camp while the US had carried out illegal imprisonment and torture at their Guantanamo Bay concentration camp on the territory of Cuba and other places throughout the world.
The meeting concluded by adopting the following resolution:

This meeting has been called to expose the phony human rights campaign of US imperialism against the Democratic People’s Republic (DPRK) and to expose the real “human rights violator “the US itself so it may be indicted before the court of history for its crimes against humanity. The “human rights “campaign against the DPRK it is not just hypocritical but it also serves as a smokescreen to divert attention away from real human rights  abuses  in the USA.

         These are far numerous to list as the USA is known for invading  many countries and also for racial discrimination and for phone tapping and electronic eavesdropping . It is rightly known as a “land barren of human rights “. However the most serious human rights abuses  committed by the US were the use of germ warfare during the Korean war against the DPRK and the torture carried out by the CIA in the years  2001-2006 .

The US imperialists waged biological warfare in Korea in the 1950-1953 war in violation of the Geneva Protocol. The use of biological weapons was confirmed by an International Scientific Commission which included the respected British scientist Professor Joseph Needham and also by confessions of captured US personnel. In carrying out biological warfare against the Korean people the US imperialists utilised the services of Japanese war criminal Shiro Ishii of the notorious Unit 731.

During the  Korean war the US carried out over 800 germ warfare sorties . The death toll from the US germ warfare ran into thousands . This was a barbaric crime that was much worse than those committed by Hitler in the second world war. We believe it is high time for the US to stop covering this crime and  come clean finally about it.

Recently, the US Senate issued a report opening to the world torture committed by the CIA over a long period. Of course the CIA had long been infamous for assassination, terrorism, dirty tricks and  interference . It earned notoriety as the shock brigade of US imperialism, Its role was exposed in the 1970s by a defector from the CIA, Philip Agee. However under  the guise of the so-called “war on terror “  the CIA became a major human rights violator committing torture and detaining suspects without  trial.

            The CIA operated a network of secret prisons around the world  and indulging kidnapping and  “rendition “ as part of its Detention and Interrogation Programme and carried out torture of detainees. The programme authorized CIA officers to use extreme interrogation techniques, including sleep deprivation, water boarding , painful stress positions, dietary manipulation, walling, 'rectal rehydration' or rectal feeding, etc. These techniques were most barbaric.

Thus the US stands condemned and guilty for crimes against humanity. We demand that the UN Committee on Human Rights and other international bodies organise a full and proper investigation into these crimes committed by the US. The UN must act in a fair and impartial way and must not be afraid of the United States.

Adopted unanimously by the meeting at 14.50 hrs on 26th February 2015.

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