Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Karl Marx Remembered

At the Party Centre...

by New Worker  correspondent

Comrades and friends returned to the New Communist Party’s London Centre on Saturday to recall the outstanding achievements of Karl Marx.
            Marx spent most of his active life in Britain working with Frederick Engels building the international working class movement and writing a corpus of books that provides the basis for scientific socialism.
Andy Brooks and Alex Kempshall on the night
Throughout the world communists and progressives commemorate the immense contribution to the socialist movement on the anniversary of his death on 14th March 1883. And this was reflected in the tributes from a large spectrum of the communist movement in Britain at the NCP’s annual reception in honour of the Marx and the philosophical thinking that inspired the great revolutionary movements of the 20th century.
The print shop was once again transformed for the bar and buffet and comrades and friends gathered in the main meeting room for the formal part of the celebrations that was opened by National chair Alex Kempshall.
NCP leader Andy Brooks, Michael Chant from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (ML) and John McLeod of the Socialist Labour Party all paid tribute to Marx, whose entire life was dedicated to the struggle of the working class. Andy Brooks pointed out that Marx wasn’t the first to call for the emancipation of the working class, nor was he the first socialist. His greatest contribution to humanity was in devising the framework for scientific socialism, which has provided the working class with a powerful ideological and theoretical weapon of liberation struggle.
The Communist Manifesto, written by Marx and Engels in 1848, is as valid today as it was on the day that it was written and the torch that it lit led to the raising of the Red Flag in Russia in October 1917 and the establishment of the international communist movement that ended the First World War and defeated the Nazis in the Second. No more so than in Democratic Korea that, together with Cuba, stands on the front-line against imperialism today.
Thae Yongho from the London embassy of the DPR Korea highlighted the importance of Marxism in the development of Korean-style socialism and the Juche Idea while Dermot Hudson from the UK Korean Friendship Association thanked the NCP for its long-standing and consistent solidarity with the Korean revolution. Marx was a practical revolutionary who worked to unite the socialist movement in Britain. He was also an internationalist who called on workers of all countries to unite – points stressed by comrade from the Communist Party of Greece and Marie Lynam from the Posadist movement and taken up by other comrades during the informal discussion that continued late long at the bar.
No NCP event can ever end without a collection for the New Worker and Daphne Liddle from the Politburo of the NCP made the call for the money crucial to ensure the survival of the New Worker. The comrades responded by raising £294 for the fighting fund.

...By Marx’s Tomb

By New Worker correspondent

Karl Marx died in his study at half-past two on the afternoon of Wednesday 14th March 1883. He was buried three days later at Highgate Cemetery. To commemorate his passing the Marx Memorial Library has for many decades held an annual graveside oration at his burial place in the cemetery in North London. The Marx Memorial Library is the trustee of the Marx monument in the cemetery where over a hundred comrades gathered around the tomb on Sunday to celebrate the life-time achievements of the founder of scientific socialism.
The event was organised by the committee of the Marx Memorial Library, and conducted by Library chair Alex Gordon, a former president of the RMT transport union, who welcomed everyone to the commemoration and introduced the speakers.
Prof Emilianov, Jean Turner and Alex Gordon at the tomb
This year the graveside oration was given by Yuri Emilianov, a Soviet academician and a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and Jean Turner of the Communist Party of Britain.
New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks laid the NCP’s floral tribute at the tomb together with a procession of other communist representatives that included diplomats from the Vietnamese embassy  and comrades from Venezuela, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE),  the Progressive Party of Working People of Cyprus (AKEL), the Communist Party of Italy’s British Pietro Secchia branch and many more from other workers’ parties in the Middle East and the rest of the world that have members studying or working in Britain.
Finally the Internationale was sung around the monument bedecked with dozens of wreathes and floral tributes. The comrades then departed – some to a reception at a nearby public house while others went to hear Professor Emelianov give a talk on the  defeat of fascism in 1945 and its significance today at the Marx Memorial Library in the evening.

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