Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Brixton housing campaigners target estate agent

HOUSING campaigners in Brixton, south London  camped on the pavement outside Foxton’s estate agents on Sunday 5th April after the local council agreed a £50 million 10-year partnership deal with Foxton’s to manage all future housing needs in Brixton.
Foxton’s will now become the Sustainable Housing Co-operative Partner for Lambeth Council. The council has suffered a £90 million cut in its budget from central government.
The company will bring their commercial expertise into play and help Lambeth Council to gain a maximum return on the six estate regeneration projects throughout the borough.
This deal was not mentioned as an option in recent local “consultations” with local tenants.
A conference to address the current housing crisis has also been pledged as part of this exciting new partnership. Tickets are priced at £100 for tenants. Landlords will receive free admission.
The housing campaigners, including a local hip hop artist and activist Potent Whisper, bedded down in the window of Foxton’s estate agents in central Brixton to highlight the attack on communities in social housing throughout the borough.
Potent said: “Was just gonna let you know that a few of us are going to camp outside Foxton’s with sleeping bags and pillows to highlight displacement and the homelessness that results from the evictions.”
The council plans to demolish large swathes that are the centre of local communities and build luxury flats. Many local families face eviction.

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