Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Down with the puppet fascist regime!

Dermot Hudson and Andy Brooks on the picket

by New Worker correspondent

 KOREAN solidarity activists returned to the south Korean embassy in London last week to protest against the US military exercises in the occupied south and the current imperialist hate campaign that the Americans are focusing against Democratic Korea.
New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks joined comrades and friends protesting outside the puppet regime embassy in Westminster against the “Foal Eagle” and “Key Resolve” drills that have heightened tension on the divided Korean peninsula.
The second picket of the embassy this year was organised by the UK Korean Friendship Association and its numbers were boosted by members of the NCP and the Korean Friendship Association as well as some young Spanish KFA members living in London.
Taking the microphone, KFA chair Dermot Hudson denounced the latest imperialist provocations against the homeland of Juché pointing out that at the beginning of the year the DPRK had made sincere, patient and painstaking efforts to reduce tension with the US, even offering to suspend holding nuclear tests if the Americans and their lackeys called off their war-games. But these efforts were casually brushed aside by the US and the imperialists have steamed ahead with holding the exercises.
These imperialist war games will last for over six weeks and are massive in scale. Over 11,000 US troops and more that 200,000 south Korean puppet soldiers are taking part in annual drills that simulate the invasion and occupation of the socialist north.
Two comrades held up a DPRK flag, another two displayed the large KFA banner that always accompanies these demonstrations while others maintained a constant commentary on the microphone or gave out leaflets on the street. Over a 100 leaflets, specially produced for the picket, were handed out calling for the immediate cancellation of Foal Eagle and Key Resolve and the unconditional withdrawal of all US troops from Korea.
The UK Korean Friendship Association (KFA) organises solidarity meetings and protest pickets in London throughout the year. The KFA also works side by side with the Friends of Korea committee which also holds regular events in London.

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