Monday, May 04, 2015

Italian comrades celebrate liberation from fascism

  By New Worker correspondent

BRITISH and Greek comrades joined Italian communists in celebrating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Italy from fascism at a meeting organised by the British section of the Partito Comunista in north London on Saturday 25th April.

            Alain Fissore of the Partito Comunista spoke on the history of the fascism in Italy and the betrayal of the mainly communist-led partisan movement in the “Salerno Turn” by Communist Party of Italy leader Palmiro Togliatti, who adopted a parliamentary path and agreed a “democratic compromise” with the bourgeois parties and the monarchy. He also described at struggles led by Eugenio Curiel and Pietro Secchia against revisionism in the CPI.
            A Greek comrade spoke of the theoretical errors made by the KKE leadership in the aftermath of liberation, and gave an analysis of the fascist Golden Dawn party which, she said, “can only be finally defeated by socialist, working class power”.
Theo Russell brought greetings from the New Communist Party and spoke on the history of fascist movements in Britain, the current resurgence of fascism in Eastern Europe and the Ukraine, and the importance of a clear Marxist-Leninist understanding of the nature of state power.

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