Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The struggle against fascism in Greece

by New Worker correspondent

THE HALL of the Marx Memorial Library in central London was packed out on Saturday 9th May  for a meeting on Victory Day and the defeat of fascism in 1945, organised by British Section of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE).
A documentary produced by KKE was shown, recalling the heroic struggle of the ELAS partisans, led by the KKE, which ended in the defeat of German forces, without outside intervention, in October 1944.  It also covered the tactical errors which left the KKE exposed to a brutal onslaught by British and Greek royalist troops in the Battle of Athens in December 1944 and the civil war that raged from 1946-1949.
 Ioli Gkouma of the KKE introduced the evening meeting with a talk which also analysed the role of the fascist Golden Dawn party. A lively debate followed on the lessons of the Second World War in Greece and elsewhere, the rise of Golden Dawn and the resurgence of fascism in Ukraine, eastern Europe and the Balkans backed by US-Nato imperialism. Alex Gordon, chair of the Marx Memorial Library, welcomed the participants to the library and joined in the debate, as did Theo Russell who also brought greetings on behalf of the New Communist Party of Britain.

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