Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Making Ideology a Priority

 by New Worker correspondent

NEW COMMUNIST Party leader Andy Brooks welcomed comrades and friends to the Party Centre on Thursday 18th June for the fourth in a series of seminars, called by the NCP and the Juché Idea Study Group, on the Juché and Songun politics that are the basis of Korean-style socialism.
            Following the counter-revolutions in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe mass communist parties and whole sections of the world-wide movement wavered in the early 1990s. But the Workers Party of Korea remained steadfast.

Great leader Kim Il Sung rallied the communist movement and progressive forces at a conference that adopted the Pyongyang Declaration, Let Us Defend and Advance the Cause of Socialism, that was signed by a number of parties, including the NCP, on  20th April 1992.
 And dear leader Kim Jong Il made powerful contributions to the development of the Juché idea that looked at the root causes of the revisionism that paved the way to the outright treachery that led to the downfall of the Soviet Union. One of them was Giving Priority to Ideological Work is Essential for accomplishing Socialism – a keynote paper first published in 1995 – which was the theme of the openings by Dermot Hudson of the Juché Idea Study Group of England  and David Munoz, a Spanish member of the Korean Friendship Association working in London.
Everyone took part in the round-table discussion that followed which also marked the 51st anniversary of the start of work of the comrade Kim Jong Il at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

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