Friday, August 07, 2015

Kurdish anger at Turkey and ISIS

By New Worker correspondent
 LONDON’S Kurdish community has been taking to the streets with a string of protest rallies beginning last Tuesday in protest against the ISIS suicide bombing at Suruc that killed 32 young Kurds on their way to bolster the defences of Kobani in the Kurdish region of northern Syria.
They are also protesting at the response by the Turkish government, which is now bombing
both ISIS and Kurdish anti-ISIS resistance strongholds and equating the Kurdish resistance as being equally terrorist with ISIS.
In reality the Turkish government has long been aiding and abetting ISIS in order to try to undermine the Syrian government of Bashir Assad, allowing the extreme right-wing Islamist terrorists free passage through Turkish borders and secretly arming them.
Meanwhile it is the young Kurds of Kobani who have struggled now for over a year to defend their town from ISIS and are now struggling to rebuild it. The 32 victims of Suruc were on their way to help with that rebuilding project.
The first protest in London last Tuesday 21st July, immediately after the Suruc atrocity, was in Manor House and was attended by a huge crowd from the local Kurdish community and supported by Turkish communists living in exile in London.
Then on Saturday a large protest assembled in Whitehall, opposite Downing Street, supported by Stop the War and the Day-Mer, the north London Turkish and Kurdish community centre.
Protesters carried pictures of the 32 young victims of the Suruc massacre and demanded an end to Turkish attacks on the Kurdish community.
On Sunday the protesters took their cause to the BBC headquarters in London where they besieged the building with demands for better, less biased reporting of the events in the Kurdish region that overlaps Syria, Turkey and Iraq.

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