Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Red Star in Clerkenwell Green

    by New Worker correspondent

THAT REVOLUTIONARIES need to study the past goes without saying but Mick Costello, the Industrial Editor of the Morning Star in the 1980s, put his special take on the significance of history in one of the opening talks at the Red Star Festival in London last weekend.
Mick Costello, Liz Payne (chair) and local historian Nigel Costley
London comrades gathered at the historic Marx Memorial Library in Clerkenwell Green to meet friends, old and new, for two days of discussion, debate, culture, music and food with national and international speakers from the labour, progressive and anti-imperialist movements.
Organised by the Marx Memorial Library, Communist Party of Britain, Young Communist League-Britain, the Morning Star, New Communist Party and the Coordinating Committee of Communist Parties in Britain the festival featured a wide range of speakers from the labour and progressive movement in Britain and international guests in debates, workshops and round-table discussions.

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