Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Defending Democratic Korea!

By New Worker correspondent

 WHILE LONDONERS braved the rain to attend the Notting Hill Carnival or the many other fairs and festivals held across the capital on Bank Holiday Monday, supporters of the Korean revolution picketed the south Korean and US embassies to demand the withdrawal of all imperialist forces from south Korea.

taking the message to the puppet regime
The protest began outside the south Korean puppet embassy at 2.00 pm to condemn the joint American-puppet regime war-games that have heightened tension on the Korean peninsula and denounced the recent arrest of a number of pro-reunification patriots in south Korea.
KFA Chair Dermot Hudson said that a war was narrowly averted in Korea last week thanks to the patient and peace loving efforts of the DPR Korea. In order to avert war permanently US troops must be withdrawn from south Korea and there must be an end to exercises such as Ulji Freedom Guardian.
The picketers then moved on to the US embassy in Grosvenor Square at 4.00 pm to continue the protest and denounce the human rights violations by the US and its crimes against the Korean people.
...and Grosvenor Square
Comrades, including NCP leader Andy Brooks and Daphne Liddle and Theo Russell from the Central Committee, took part in the KFA demonstrations together with other supporters of Democratic Korea.
The UK Korean Friendship Association (KFA) organises solidarity meetings and protest pickets in London throughout the year. The KFA also works side by side with the Friends of Korea committee which also holds regular events in the capital.

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