Saturday, October 24, 2015

Celebrating the victories of the Korean communists

By New Worker correspondent

THE people of Democratic Korea celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Workers Party of Korea in style with a massive military parade through Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang on 10th October. And throughout the world communists joined them at events to mark the foundation of the party that has led the Korean revolution to victory after victory in the decades that followed.
            London was no exception, with a number of meetings and events that concluded with a reception at the DPR Korea embassy last week. Tributes to sacrifice and steadfastness of the Korean communists who transformed the liberated north of the Korean peninsula into a workers’ paradise were made by Daphne Liddle from the New Communist Party and Michael Chant from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (ML) along with others from the Korean Friendship Association, Socialist Labour Party and the CPGB (ML).
The Workers’ Party of Korea was founded on 10th October 1945 by great leader Kim Il Sung. Since its birth the WPK has led the Korean revolution and socialist construction, performing tremendous feats of socialist construction in defiance of US aggression and imperialist blockade. Dear leader Kim Jong Il carried on the work to overcome imperialist blockade and natural disasters, to make the DPRK a nuclear power and raise living standards to even new heights. Now under the guidance of the respected leader Kim Jong Un, the WPK is leading the drive to build a thriving and prosperous socialist republic.

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