Monday, December 14, 2015

Our future is socialism!

Andy Brooks & Alex Kempshall listen to Explo Nani Kofi speak
 By New Worker Correspondent

Marx House was packed on Saturday as delegates and guests gathered for the 18th Congress of the New Communist Party of Britain (NCP). That historic house in Clerkenwell Green, with its memories of Lenin and the Marxist pioneers of the British working class movement, was once again the venue for the NCP’s triennial congress that took place over the first weekend in December.
Delegates stood in silence to remember comrades Jack Harrison, Peter Harrison, Marguerite Oldham, Renee Sams, Dolly Shaer and Eric Trevett who had sadly all passed away since the last congress. Last weekend comrades heard reports of the struggle across the globe. Four London ambassadors from the people’s democracies of Cuba, Korea, Laos and Vietnam brought solidarity greetings from their ruling parties. Representatives from the Italian Communists, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), AKEL (Cyprus) and the African Liberation Support Campaign of Ghana (ALISC) spoke in detail about their campaigns. We heard comrades from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain praise our joint work over the years and a message from our new friends in the British Posadist movement.
 Other honoured guests included representatives from the embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Workers Party of Ireland and the chair of the Colchester Trades Council, present during the two-day congress that charted the course of the Party for the next three years.

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