Saturday, April 23, 2016

Protesters call for Cameron to go

THOUSANDS of protesters descended on Downing Street on Saturday 9th April, at very short notice, to demand David Cameron’s resignation after a week of admissions, dragged one-by-one from the Prime Minister, about his and his family’s connections with offshore investments.
This delivery left everyone wondering what new revelations were coming next in relation to the leaking of the “Panama Papers” from the database of the Panamanian lawyers Mossack Fonseca.
After more than 10 years of savage austerity cuts imposed by Cameron many people are very angry that he appears to be amongst the millionaires who have salted away most of their wealth into offshore trusts where it cannot be taxed.
As Jeremy Corbyn told the House of Commons, if those people had paid their taxes most of the austerity cuts would not have been necessary.
Cameron, of course, pleads that he has done nothing wrong; he has not broken the law, even though a few years ago when comedian Jimmy Carr was pursued by the HM Revenue and Customs over hiding a large part of his income in offshore trusts, he said that even though it might be legal it was not moral.
Now Cameron is guilty by his own words but his real crime is presiding over a government that has failed to make this sort of tax avoidance illegal. This failure has cost the lives of many who have had benefits sanctioned and committed suicide, or had their deaths hastened by hunger and/or stress. Thousands have been made homeless by housing benefit cuts.
He is under yet more pressure after an unearthed 2013 letter shows that he urged the EU to shield offshore trusts from a crackdown.
Many of the protesters who came to Downing Street last Saturday were dressed according to Panamanian fashion and they all had one message for Cameron: “Resign!”
A huge paper pig was erected by the protesters, with Cameron’s image pinned to its face.
The rally moved to Trafalgar Square, then along the Strand to the Grand Connaught Rooms in Covent Garden where the Tories were holding their Spring Conference.
Among the protesters was pop singer Lilly Allen. She told the press: “I think he's been dishonest and the trust has gone. I just think it's really important that young people take more of an interest in politics so that's why I'm here really. I think lots of people in my position don't because they're scared of the repercussions.”
One protester commented: “A lot of people feel they have lost confidence in the Government,” while another added: “This is a symptom of a much more important disease, our economic system is broken, as it favours huge tax avoidance.”
American National Security Agency (NSA)  whistle-blower Edward Snowden, now living in Russia, on Friday urged the British people to demand Cameron’s resignation from government.
Cameron was accused of hypocrisy after he finally admitted profiting by more than £30,000 in an offshore tax haven. After days of pressure, he acknowledged he had benefited from a controversial fund set up by his late father Ian.

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