Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Eyewitness Korea!

David, Dermot and Thae Yong Ho
 by New Worker
  Friends of the Korean people met at the Chadswell Centre in central London on Saturday 21st May to hear report-backs from two comrades who have recently returned from Democratic Korea and to express their solidarity with the Workers Party of Korea which has just successfully concluded its 7th Congress.
            The meeting, called by the Korean Friendship Association, heard Dermot Hudson and David Munoz speak about their visit to the DPR Korea in April, and heard a report from Thae Yong Ho from the DPRK embassy in London.  A friend of the DPRK from Sweden addressed the meeting about the Pyongyang International Film Festival and the Wonsan Air Festival and many others joined in the general discussion that followed.  New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks took part in the meeting together with a number of comrades from London and East Anglia along with Prof Harish Gupta, the head of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea.
            The meeting denounced the lies and slanders of the BBC against the DPRK and the vile and poisonous attacks on Dermot Hudson, the KFA and the Juche Idea Study Group by sectarians and dogmatists on the “Red Youth” website. Future action including a picket of US imperialism’s London embassy in June was discussed before the meeting concluded with informal discussion over refreshments.
The UK Korean Friendship Association (KFA) organises solidarity meetings and protest pickets in London throughout the year. The KFA also works side by side with the Friends of Korea committee which also holds regular events in the capital.

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