Thursday, June 23, 2016

Korean solidarity in action

Dermot Hudson and Thae Yong Ho

by New Worker correspondent

Comrades and friends met to discuss future Korean solidarity work at the AGM of the Korean Friendship Association held in central London last weekend. UK KFA chair Dermot Hudson opened the discussion which focused the anniversary of the north-south June 15th Declaration and the start of Kim Jong Il’s work at the Workers Party of Korea and preparations for the annual Month of Solidarity with the Korean People which starts on the anniversary of the imperialist attack on the DPR Korea on 25th June 1950.
               A report of work was given which outlined the KFA's activities and achievements over the past year while Thae Yong Ho from the DPR Korea’s London embassy covered many aspects of life in Juche Korea during the always-popular question and answer session that followed.
            Dermot Hudson was returned to the helm of the KFA unopposed. Two other activists stepped down this year and their vacancies were filled by David Munoz, who  was elected Organisation Secretary and Daniel Braggins, voted in as Communications Secretary.
A solidarity letter to dear respected leader Chairman Kim Jong Un was adopted together with solidarity greetings to the DPRK government and the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF) –  the underground resistance to the fascist regime in south Korea.

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