Friday, February 03, 2017

Patients not profits

By New Worker correspondent

SCORES of campaigners gathered in Old Palace Yard, opposite Parliament, last Saturday for a march, rally and “howl” against Government plans that are further dismantling the NHS.
The Government’s “Sustainability and Transformation Programme” (STP) that is being imposed on NHS trusts is in effect calling on all trusts to come together in their localities to produce five-year plans that are mainly about cutting costs and outsourcing services. Campaigners say the STP stands for “Slash, Trash and Plunder”.
The protest was organised and supported by the NHS Party and many local campaigns: for St Helier hospital, Horton Charing Cross, Hammersmith and Fulham, Grantham with campaign groups from Lewisham, Bromley and Greenwich, dozens of banners and placards from the GMB union and a banner from the Workers’ Party of Iran Hekmatist.

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