Thursday, March 30, 2017

Defending the DPRK in Belgravia!

KFA Chair Dermot Hudson and Andy Brooks with other comrades

 by New Worker correspondent

NCP leader Andy Brooks joined other Korean solidarity activists outside the Malaysian embassy in London’s Belgrave Square last week to demand an end to the hostile actions of the Malaysian government against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
 The picket, called by the Korean Friendship Association (KFA), gave out leaflets pointing out that a DPRK citizen called Kim Chol collapsed and died in Kuala Lumpur airport on the 13th February. The Malaysian authorities initially said that this was due to a heart attack. Subsequently the Malaysian authorities, in violation of international law:
         Carried out an autopsy without the permission of the DPRK and without the presence of the DPRK side;
         Refused a request for a joint investigation;
         Refused to hand over the remains of the dead man;
         Spread false accusations and allegations, and wrongfully arrested a DPRK citizen

It is claimed that VX nerve agent was used to kill the man – but clearly it would be impossible to use VX Nerve agent at the airport without killing scores of other people and rendering the terminal unusable for years if not decades to come. The two women arrested are not from the DPRK and are not even ethnic Koreans. They had, however, visited south Korea several times in the past.
            The KFA calls on Malaysia to return the body of the dead DPRK citizen to the DPRK and ends its campaign of false allegations, lies and slanders against the DPRK.

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