Friday, March 17, 2017

The eternal flame of Marxism

Andy Brooks talking about Marx
  by New Worker correspondent

Comrades and friends paid homage to the memory of Karl Marx at the annual New Communist Party commemoration at the Party Centre last Saturday. NCP leader Andy Brooks spoke about the immense contribution of Marx and Engels as practical revolutionaries as well as laying down the foundations of modern socialist theory.
Marx spent most of his active life in Britain working with Frederick Engels, building the international working class movement and writing a corpus of books that provides the basis for scientific socialism. This was recalled by other speakers including Dermot Hudson from the Korean Friendship Association, Michael Chant from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (ML) and  John Macleod from the Socialist Labour Party.
There was plenty of good food and drink for all, and £331 was raised for the New Worker following the appeal by Daphne Liddle.

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