Thursday, April 06, 2017

Remembering a Great Korean

Andy Brooks recalls the life of a great Korean

by New Worker   correspondent

Friends of the Korean people returned to the Chadswell Centre in central London last weekend to celebrate the 105th anniversary of the birth of great leader Kim Il Sung, the Korean communist who led the guerrilla struggle that broke the bonds of Japanese colonialism to build the people’s republic which now stands as a bright red bastion of socialism in north east Asia.
Kim Il Sung was born on 15th April 1912 and his birthday has long been celebrated as the Day of the Sun in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and by everyone who stands by the DPRK.
Speakers, including solidarity activists and DPR Korea diplomats, spoke highly of Kim Il Sung’s immense contribution to the theory and practice of scientific socialism at the meeting called by the Korean Friendship Association (KFA).
KFA Chair Dermot Hudson opened the meeting with a talk on the outstanding achievements of the Korean revolutionary whose life spanned most of the 20th century. This was followed by Kim Song Gi from the DPRK embassy in London who said that his country was firmly based on the revolutionary traditions of Mt Paektu started by the great leader Kim Il Sun. Now the Korean people are successfully implementing the twin line of developing the economy and nuclear force in parallel under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un.
Alex Meads spoke about the revolutionary traditions of the Korean People’s Army and their internationalist support for the Vietnamese, Egyptian and Zimbabwean revolutions while NCP leader Andy Brooks talked about his personal recollections of Kim Il Sung whom he met when the NCP sent a delegation to Pyongyang in 1990.
There was plenty of time for questions and general discussion which continued over refreshments long after the meeting ended.

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