Monday, May 29, 2017

Report-back from Korea

Dermot Hudson speaking

 by New Worker correspondent
 THREE members of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) – Dermot Hudson, Sean Pickford and David Munos, last Saturday gave a very interesting report back from their recent visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) at a well-attended meeting in north London.
Sean Pickford spoke first, giving a detailed account of their visit to a farm and to a family home – modern and with all modern conveniences and appliances, including a computer.
This was typical of thousands of new homes being built in urban and rural areas – and for which the workers are charged no rent. Sean said that wherever they went the same rising standard of living was evident – with no slums of ghettos but also with no posh or exclusive areas.
Contrary to reports in the western media, food production is doing well with good harvests in recent years.
All three speakers emphasised that there was no sense of alarm or panic anywhere as US President Donald Trump made threatening gestures and the western media was spreading fears of an impending nuclear war.
In the DPRK people were going about their daily business completely as normal and the increased sanctions imposed by Trump have had no impact.
Dermot Hudson said that if the US or its puppet regime in occupied south Korea were ever to attack the DPRK they would be repulsed decisively with great injury to themselves.
After the speeches there was a lively question and answer session.
The meeting agreed a letter on congratulating Kim Jon Un and the people of the DPRK on the success of their latest missile test.

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