Friday, May 05, 2017

Where is Labour going?

Gerry Downing, Tony Greenstein, Theo Russell and Andy Brooks
by New Worker correspondent
That was the question the panel of speakers attempted to answer at a well-attended New Worker meeting at the Cock Tavern in central London last week. Chaired by Theo Russell, the audience heard openings from NCP leader Andy Brooks and two well-known victims of the current witch-hunt inside the Labour Party. Gerry Downing of Socialist Fight was expelled on trumped-up charges of ‘anti-Semitism’ last year and Tony Greenstein, a veteran anti-Zionist campaigner from Brighton, remains suspended on similar accusations.
   The charges are absurd – Tony, for instance, is the son of a rabbi – and they were singled out by the Blairite bureaucracy, along with many others including Ken Livingstone and Jackie Walker, because of their principled stand in support of Palestinian rights and their persistent support for Jeremy Corbyn.
The far-ranging discussion that followed spanning justice for the Palestinians, the struggle against the Blairites and Labour’s chances in the forthcoming general election, took up the rest of the meeting and continued for many in the downstairs bar until closing time!

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