Saturday, August 19, 2017

No new Korean War!

Andy Brooks with the latest edition!
By New Worker correspondent
London comrades joined other peace campaigners outside the American embassy on Friday 11th August to protest against Donald Trump’s latest threats against north Korea. New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks and other members of the Central Committee gathered outside the centre of US imperialism in London to call on the US President to pursue a diplomatic solution to the crisis that is entirely of America’s making.
Some comrades sold the New Worker whilst others gave out Korean Friendship Association (KFA) leaflets to the crowd, which included a woman dressed as the “Statue of Taking Liberties” and a man wearing a Trump mask who had come along for the lunch-time protest in Grosvenor Square.
Even though the emergency protest was called at short notice by the Stop the War campaign and CND, there was still a good turn-out to hear the campaign speakers who later attempted to deliver a letter from the peace movements but were turned aside by US embassy staff.

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