Monday, March 04, 2019

Freedom for Ukraine!

by Theo Russell

Protesters gathered on Saturday 23rd February opposite Theresa May’s residence in Downing Street to send a message of solidarity to anti-fascists in Ukraine and the Donbas who are resisting the illegitimate government in Kiev, which has unleashed a war in eastern Ukraine and a wave of fascist terror in the five years since the US-backed coup on 22 February, 2014.
Members of the New Communist Party, Socialist Fight, Posadists in Britain and Solidarity With the Anti-Fascist Resistance in Ukraine also demanded that the British government end its support for a government that continues to wage the war it launched against the Donbas people’s republics in 2014, and bring home the British troops sent to train Ukrainian army units.
Messages were read out from Borotba (Struggle), the most active anti-fascist resistance organisation in Ukraine, and from the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Alexey Albu from the Borotba (Struggle) Association said in his message:

“Dear comrades and friends!
“The current political regime is building a ‘new Ukrainian nation’ by falsifying history. Supporters of Nazi collaborators are openly encouraged, national policies are based on naked chauvinism, and even moderate alternative views on what is happening and the Ukraine’s future are being censored.
“The ruling class is suppressing any political opposition, even moderate conservatives, and Nazi gangs have been elevated to official status and integrated into the state structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the SBU (intelligence service).
“The war criminal Poroshenko, who has spurned the Minsk peace agreements and continued the war against the Donbas, constantly tries to increase the divisions between Ukrainians along political, religious, linguistic, ethnic and class lines.
“War is the only way Poroshenko knows to hang onto power, using militaristic populism to distract people from Ukraine’s problems.
“Unfortunately, the world community has closed its eyes to the continuing glaring examples of the dehumanisation of Ukrainian society, the killing of innocent people, and the existence of real Nazism not seen anywhere since 1945.
“Borotba has been banned, labelled ‘terrorist’ on national TV by Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, and cannot conduct public political activities. Our activists have been forced underground, to organise in secret, aware that the country is in a state of civil war with the support of the Western imperialism.
“We are well aware of the true feelings of the Ukrainian people, and we know that this regime of marauders and war criminals can only continue with foreign support. We will never reconcile with the prepared destiny of the peoples of Ukraine and we will fight for liberation for as long as we have the strength – by all available means!
“Ukraine will be free! Ukraine will be socialist!”

The message from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic read:

“Dear comrades!
“On 14 April, 2014, the illegitimate Kiev regime, which came to power as a result of a coup d’état, launched an aggressive war against the people of Donbas, who had chosen the path of self-determination.
“This has led to huge civilian casualties in the region, and massive destruction of production facilities and infrastructure. The people’s republics of Donbas have been living in incessant hostilities for more than four years.
“The systematic violations of the truces by the Ukrainian side indicate that Kiev and the Western imperialists behind it are not interested in a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
“We should respond to this with the strengthening of international workers’ solidarity and the strengthening of the co-operation of the world’s progressive forces.
“Long live peace between the nations! Long live anti-imperialist solidarity!”

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