Thursday, May 09, 2019

Justice for Odessa massacre victims!

By New Worker correspondent

New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks joined other anti-fascists outside the Prime Minister’s residence in London demanding justice for the victims of the Odessa massacre in May 2014. They called for a full and independent international investigation into the massacre of unarmed anti-fascist activists at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, five years ago this week. Last Saturday’s protest picket was called by the NCP and Socialist Fight, and supported by members of the Solidarity with the Anti-Fascist Resistance in Ukraine movement.
The protestors also backed a call from the Odessa Solidarity Campaign in Washington calling on newly elected Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to allow an international investigation into the tragedy. The protest was part of international actions in Odessa, Moscow, Washington, Vienna, Budapest and Sweden.
On 2nd May 2014 a fascist-led mob torched the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, preventing firefighters from intervening and attacking anyone who tried to escape. According to the Kiev government, 42 people who were defending democratic rights and the rights of Russian speakers died on that day, but this figure is widely disbelieved. According to local investigators, the true number of fatalities is well over 300.
Every 2nd May since the massacre the people of Odessa have braved harassment from police and fascist groups to gather at the Kulikovo Field, to remember those who died and to demand a full and proper investigation. The Ukrainian government and its foreign backers hope that by keeping silent on this outrage the world will forget it. We will not let that happen!

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