Friday, June 21, 2019

Stand by Cuba!

Alabama 3 take the stage

 By New Worker correspondent

This year’s RMT Cuba Garden Party in Clapham, south London last week saw hundreds of members and friends of the transport union RMT gather to show their support for socialist Cuba as it faces a new wave of attacks from the Trump government. The guest of honour was Cuban international medical volunteer Dr Emanuel Fonseca, who said that Cuba “Deeply believes that a better world is possible, and this is only possible by socialism”.
Teresita Vicente, Cuba’s ambassador to Britain, said that: “In three years, Trump has undone all the progress in our relations with the USA,” and that the need for international solidarity was greater than ever. Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell was cheered loudly when he said that a Labour government “will be your staunch allies – we will support trade to stop any attack that Trump and the USA try to make against Cuba”. RMT general secretary Mick Cash and Communication Workers Union (CWU) leader Dave Ward also stressed their unions’ strong commitment to Cuba.
Superb live music was provided by the Cuban salsa band {Raíces Cubanas} and south London-based Alabama 3, whose track Woke Up This Morning was used for TV’s The Sopranos credits.

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