Friday, July 19, 2019

A landmark for the movement

by New Worker correspondent

Andy Brooks speaking
 Last weekend comrades gathered to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the foundation of the New Communist Party at the Party Centre in London. Friends and comrades, including three founder members, joined NCP leader Andy Brooks in celebrating the anniversary of the Party that was established by Sid French in July 1977 to challenge the ‘Eurocommunism’ and revisionism that was the dominant trend within the British communist movement at the time.
Some friends, such as our comrades in the RCPB(ML), were absent because they were taking part in the great Durham Miners’ Gala but their greetings, along with others that included the Workers Party of Korea and the Korean Friendship Association, were read out during the formal part of proceedings.
Comrades paused to remember two comrades who had recently passed away – former New Worker editor Ann Rogers and Ernie Hunt, an RCPB (ML) comrade who regularly supported our events, along with all the others whose support and sacrifice has kept the NCP going for over 40 years.
In these troubled times the Party needs to raise even more money to keep the New Worker going and comrades responded to the appeal of NCP Chair Alex Kempshall with the collection raised a stomping £2,240 for the fighting fund to ensure the continued production of the {New Worker}.

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