Saturday, July 27, 2019

Justice for the Palestinians!

by New Worker correspondent

Comrades and friends returned to the Cock Tavern in central London for a discussion on the Palestinian cause opened by a panel that included New Communist Party (NCP) leader Andy Brooks and Salim Alam from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC).
Salim Alam, Theo Russell and Andy Brooks
The speakers looked at past and present attempts to achieve a settlement to the seven decades-long Arab–Israeli conflict. As well as bringing peace to the Middle East, any settlement must meet the legitimate demands and rights of the Palestinians if it is to succeed. No matter how far off it seems now, that remains the only realistic and acceptable goal for the Palestinians and the wider Arab world.
Chaired by Theo Russell, the NCP London Organiser, the well-attended meeting heard the two speakers talk about building solidarity with Palestine in the peace and labour movement.
Salim Alam said the most effective way to support the Palestinians was to back the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement that works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law. Andy Brooks agreed, pointing out the need to close ranks around the needs of the day to uphold the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
The far-ranging discussion that followed covered the Blairite and Zionist attempt to drive pro-Palestinian supporters out of the Labour Party and the need to raise the solidarity campaign to an even higher level in the unions and the peace movement.
This Irish pub in Euston is a well-known haunt for the labour movement and the NCP London District plans to hold more events there now that the meeting room has been reopened after being closed for some time for extensive repairs.

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