Andy Brooks, Mushtaq Lasharie and Theo Russell at the meeting |
by New Worker correspondent
of London’s Pakistani community joined New Worker supporters to call for
justice for the Kashmiri people at a meeting in central London last week. They
had come to the Cock Tavern in Euston to hear NCP leader Andy Brooks and
Mushtaq Lasharie, who chairs the Third World Solidarity movement, demand the
immediate and unconditional end to martial law in Indian-held Kashmir and
support the Kashmiri people’s call for self-determination.
Mushtaq Lasharie summarised the plight of
the Kashmiris under Indian occupation despite UN calls going back to 1947 that
upheld their right to self-determination. This was supported by Andy Brooks,
who talked about the pressing need to draw the broader labour movement behind
the legitimate demands of the Kashmiri people whose cause is still largely only
upheld by the British Pakistani and British Muslim population.
The meeting endorsed a motion that called
on India to immediately and unconditionally restore the special status accorded
to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of the Indian constitution , release all
the Kashmiri political prisoners and allow journalists, diplomats and human
rights activists to enter and work unhindered in Indian-administered Kashmir
The motion noted that Pakistan and India
are both nuclear powers, and another full-scale war could easily escalate into
a nuclear exchange that would leave millions dead. It supported all efforts to
ensure that this does not happen. The key demand is the end of partition and it
upheld the original 1947 UN resolution and supported the just demand for a
referendum to let the Kashmiri people decide if they want to be part of India,
Pakistan, or in an independent state of Kashmir.
The motion has now been sent to all those
who took part in the meeting for further amendments and it will later be sent
round for endorsement in the broader labour and peace movement.