Friday, September 13, 2019

Celebrating People’s China at the Guildhall

Chinese ambassador Liu Xiaoming says that mutual respect is the "anchor" of the China-UK "Golden Era" relationship and a key principle to ensure the steady and sustained development of the bilateral relations.
Liu was speaking at a reception on Monday, to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, at the Guildhall in the City of London,
This year also marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment  in 1949 of diplomatic relationship between China and the UK at charge d'affaires level in 1964.
"Our experience in the past 65 years tells us that when our two countries respect each other's core interests and major concerns, treat each other as equals, and seek common ground despite differences, China-UK relationship will move forward and even achieve leaps and bounds," Liu said.
The ambassador said open cooperation is the basis for common development as both China and the UK are supporters, practitioners and beneficiaries of free trade and open economy.
Liu called on the two countries to focus on development, leverage comparative strengths, dovetail strategies, and foster a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory business environment for the companies of the two countries.
"We should enhance cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative and in the areas of infrastructure, financial services, big data, clean energy, science and technology, and innovation," he said.
Meanwhile, Liu urged inclusiveness and mutual learning between the two countries, as China and the UK differ in social systems, history, culture and development.
The ambassador recalled China's development over the past 70 years, from a secluded and backward nation to become the world's second largest economy, with the GDP increasing by more than 450 times, from $30 billion in the early years of New China to more than $13.6 trillion in 2018,
China has led the world in the number of R&D professionals and invention patent applications for many years in a row. It also ranks second in the world in terms of R&D spending, he noted.
In China's relations with the world, the past 70 years also witnessed a tremendous change, said the ambassador.
"China is approaching the centre stage in world affairs, it is becoming more closely integrated with the world, and it is participating and taking the lead in building a better world," he said.
Meanwhile, amid the tremendous changes over the past 70 years, China has been unwavering in its values -- the pursuit of harmonious coexistence, between individuals, between man and nature, and between different countries, said the ambassador.
"China is committed to peaceful development and pursues the common good for all," Liu said.

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