Saturday, October 19, 2019

Debating Brexit in London

John Tyrell opens on Europe
By New Worker correspondent

The President of the Socialist Labour Party (SLP) joined the regulars on the New Worker platform at the Cock Tavern in central London last week for a debate on Brexit that was unusual on two counts. The first was that due to a mix-up over the booking we had to meet in the down-stairs back bar – something we haven’t done for many years. And the second was that none of us came to blows over the issue that has divided workers as well as the ruling class for the last three years!
The panel was evenly divided with the SLP’s John Tyrell and NCP leader Andy Brooks giving the left case for leaving the European Union, whilst Gerry Downing from Socialist Fight and George Shaw of the British Posadists defended staying in. The audience, which included Greek communists and Sri Lankan socialists, was equally divided, although everyone agreed on the need for the left as a whole to discuss openly and honestly their differences, especially on a topic such as this.
This Irish pub in Euston is a well-known haunt for the labour movement and the NCP London District regularly hold discussion meetings there throughout the year.

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